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Monday, January 29, 2018

😨2050...The End?😨

By:Tehya Ellifrits
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Did you know scientists have predicted that in 2050 the world is supposed to overheat and cut out all oxygen from our world to make it impossible to live on earth? The world is overheating because of how polluted the atmosphere is. Keep reading to see how aware people are about pollution.

Most people try to not think of pollution in fear of our world ending, and, other people just really don’t think of it .“I don’t really think about it I think of other stuff.” said Yaremy 7th grade student at Northwest Middle School. There are many ways we could cut down pollution like recycling or not wasting as much food. “Plant more trees, less barbeques and smoke, pick up trash and recycle” Yaremy said.
Some people believe that we shouldn’t care for how polluted America is because America is not the most polluted country. China makes 250,000 tons of pollution a year. But, we should care about how polluted America is because one country might make a difference. “We should care because just because we are not the most polluted, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care for our country”. Said Yaremy.
There are many people that think we will be able to cut our pollution rates in half or even by a fourth so that we can stop the pollution from breaking the ozone. 5,000 people a year die from drinking unclean water. There are also people with no hope that we will be able to stop the ozone from breaking down. “I don’t think we will be able to stop it because we might have less but we will always have pollution in our world” Said Yaremy. It would be impossible to have no pollution in the world because when we breathe we are polluting the air.

You don’t have to know everything about pollution, but it would help if you were more aware about how it is affecting the world. Do you know any ways you can cut down pollution?
3 Fun facts
  1. The people that live in a high-density air pollution area have a 20% more likely chance of dying of lung cancer .
  2. Almost 46% of lakes in america are extremely polluted and not safe for swimming, fishing, and aqua life
  3. Car pulling can save pollution and money. Two birds with one stone!

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