By: Leslie Garcia-Villegas
Did you see those holiday Twix for Valentine's day and other holidays? Don’t you wish that they would sell them all year? That would make us all happy! In the 90s they had different year round flavors. But Mars has announced that they might stop selling their KING SIZED products!!!
If you don’t know what a Twix is where have you been, but Twix is a crispy cookie covered with caramel on top and wrapped all up with milk chocolate! This delicious brand is owned by Mars Inc. The UK WAS the first to try the Twix in 1967. They didn’t release Twix in the U.S until 1979. The bar wasn’t selling enough in retail so the hunt was on for a new flavor for Twix!
In 1983 the peanut butter Twix was introduced! The soft caramel was replaced by soft peanut butter. Everyone reacted positively! During 1991 Mars rebranded Raiders (the name of Twix in the UK) to Twix for their line of global branding. New flavors were marketed including Cookies n’ Cream, Fudge, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate, Mint Slice, Coffee, and many more! In order to make the Twix Bar more popular in 1990s Twix was formed into an ice cream treat!
In Europe, They began using animal parts in their candy’s which lead to protest and negativity. In 2007 Mars inc, stop using animal products and started using the original recipe but in 2008 a whistle blower confirmed that they were still using animal products.
Twix has been through a lot! They have had many ups and downs. Maybe in the future they can bring back the old flavors back so we can buy even MORE Twix! This would make us all happy!
i like Twix because they are good-jesse