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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Bullying Effect

By: Mikalia Cannon
Bullying is a huge problem. There can be so many things that can happen to kids because of bulling. People have even taken their lives because of bulling situations that have gotten out of hand. I sat down with some of the sixth and seventh graders of Northwest Middle School and they told me how bullying has affected them.

Disclaimer: Names have been discarded to avoid conflicts.

Have you ever been bullied?
Subject 1- I have been bullied and I am not being physically bullied I am being cyber bullied.

Subject 2- I have been bullied and I feel like they don’t have a reason to bully me or any one else.

Do you know why you were bullied?
Subject 2- I was bullied because I was apart or included in arguments and conflicts because of other girls who put my name in things.

Would you like to face your bully again one on one? Why?
Subject 5- No I wouldn't want to face my bully again because it keeps happening and I want it to stop.

 Subject 1- Yes I would love to face my bully because I don't know who it is and it could be my close friend bulling me online and I wouldn't know.

Have you ever bullied someone? Why?
Subject 6- Yes I have bullied someone because I thought I had power over that person and they were making me mad.

Subject 4- Yes I have bullied someone because I wanted her to feel my pain and see how it feels.

How does it feel to get bullied?
Subject 7- Bulling feels like you are getting beat up by four different girls at the same time.

Subject 8- Bulling makes me feel sad and useless because I can't do anything or stand up for my self.

What's wrong about bulling?
Subject 6- Bulling makes people feel like they're not worth anything or they are useless.

Subject 4- People bully because they feel power or something that makes others scared inside.

Seeing people get bullied how does that make you feel?
Subject 7- It makes me think like should I go help that person out or just stand here and don't do anything.

Subject 3- It makes me feel sad because I see it and I don't help those kids out.

Have you ever thought of suicide? Why?
Subject 1- Once I thought about suicide because I was walking home and some girls came up next to me and said drop dead and don’t wake up.

Subject 3- Yes because I was frustrated and I didn’t know how to react or to keep my emotions in..

Did you talk to an adult about this? If yes what they say?
Subject 4- Yes I talked to an adult and she told me to ignore the non-sense because they were just trying to get to me.

Subject 5- Yes I talked to an adult and she told me that bullies just bully so they can make their victims feel how they felt.

How did you get through this situation?
Subject 6- I got through this situation by ignoring everyone who had something bad to say about me and just kept my head.

Subject 7- I talked to adults and they told me that it will be okay all your life you will get bully and all you have to do is just ignore it.

Bulling has affected so many people and now I want to take a stand and help. It’s wrong because it hurts people and makes them have low self-esteem. 81% of teens admit that bullying is easier to get away with online according to  Take a stand.  Be a buddy today and not a bully tomorrow.


  1. Wonderful article. I am SO proud of you Mikalia! You and I both know why I have these sentiments ;-) I am glad you took the time to research, interview and convey point blank bullying won't be tolerated. More importantly you are willing to take a stand! I will touch base with you and Mr. Smith to retrieve the names interviewed. We need to process their situation and provide the support needed. Again, I am proud of you and this wonderful article. #keepadvocating4whatsright #keepblossoming #thisbroughtmetotearsandimnotashamed ;-) #notolerance #ourworkisnotinvain #tigerland #tigerpride

  2. Nurse Williams12/08/2014 11:35 AM

    Good Job Mikalia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bullying is a serious issue that definitely needs to be discussed among adults and teenagers. Though many parents view bullying as “just part of being a kid,” it is a serious problem that has led many children to attempt or commit suicide, even amongst children within our own school district. Bringing awareness and speaking out against bulling and its negative effects is one way to combat the problem.

    Bullying can take on many forms, which may exhibit as physical intimidation or verbal and emotional abuse either way can lead to devastating effects of those who are victimized. Girls are less likely to use physical aggression as a form of bullying. They opt for more subtle methods such as ostracizing, belittling, and harassment.

    Someone being bullied may show signs of:
    • Withdrawn for peers, family, and friends (depression)
    • Lack of interest in school
    • Decline in school performance
    • Low self-esteem and self-image
    • Marks and bruises from physical attacks
    A bully may:
    • Show signs of aggression
    • May be easily frustrated
    • Show little empathy for others
    • Likes to control situations
    Warning signs of suicide can include:
    • Showing signs of depression, like ongoing sadness, withdrawal from others, losing interest in favorite activities, or trouble sleeping or eating
    • Talking about or showing an interest in death or dying
    • Engaging in dangerous or harmful activities, including reckless behavior, substance abuse, or self-injury
    • Giving away favorite possessions and saying goodbye to people
    • Saying or expressing that they can't handle things anymore
    • Making comments that things would be better without them
    If you notice anyone showing signs of being bullied or suicide TAKE IT SERIOUS AND GET HELP.



  3. A really awesome article it shows how it is really big today and how people are affected by bullying. To me there is a reason why a bully wants to bully someone. But my question is why hurt some one feelings and make them feel worthless. What if you felt worthless and someone was hurting you and make you feel bad what would you do? But a great article I like how real people are telling their stories and what has happened to them.

  4. Wow! It takes courage and maturity to take on the truly tough issues! You have enabled a lot of people to become educated and given them a forum to speak out. Wonderful job!

  5. Thank you for believing in me and seeing a change in me. It was time for me to take a stand and i needed to be heard. I see people getting bullied all the time and i think it was time to be heard be strong and be proud.

    Mikalia Cannon

  6. This is a good article because it shows how other people feel of bullying and it tell us how you feel about so that's good to hear and see people standing up to bullying.
    jada ali

  7. I Like This Article.

  8. Good Job. This Is A Really Good Artical.

  9. This is an amazing article. I have been bullied and hated it and i am glad you are taking a stand. Over all this article is amazing.

  10. good article bullying can affect everyone .

  11. Amazing way to describe why bullies bully .Keep up the good work.

  12. This is a very good article because you are taking a stand to bullying. People that are or have been bullied should not think of self harm. I can understand how people feel when being bullied I have been bullied and its hard not to think of self harm but thankfully I had my family and friends to help stand up to my bully

  13. This article was wonderfully wrote . The journalist that wrote this is a great writer.The article is about how does it feel to be bullied, if you could would you like to meet you're bully, why do bullies bully people.Again this is a great article.

  14. Nice article! I hope students know what to do when they have a problem with bullying. Good job!

    1. I hope this to they know to tell the teachers or talk to a princable

  15. This is good because you gave your thought

  16. This is an amazing article. I love how your taking stand for bulling. I have been bullied and I know how hard it is. Over all this article is amazing and really well written.

  17. really good article

  18. This a good article

  19. I Agree bullying needs to stop it is a promblem every where

  20. I agree that bullying stuff needs to stop

  21. Good article. I have been bullied before and sometimes i wouldn't feel like coming to school because i would get bullied. Bullying needs to stop.

  22. I really really like your article not only because it's amazing you stood up for people that couldn't stand up on their own and even though you didn't have to you do and something i can respect.

  23. I agree with Mikalia Cannon Because it is a lot of students taking there life's because of bullying problem.

  24. This is a amazing article and I agree bullying needs to stop because it really does make people feel useless and unworthy. And every one who gets bullied copes with it using different solutions, even though some of them aren't the best. When someone sees another person being bullied they choose not to say anything because they don't want to be the next victim or be ridiculed for standing up for that person. Bullying can lead to extreme situations.

  25. your article is very strong and bullying should never be allowed in and part of this world because if it was you getting bullied you would probably be very upset and most of the time people commit suicide because they can't stand it or it's getting too out of hand and i will always respect you for that because when people commit suicide that's another breath gone or wasted

  26. I agree that bullying should stop because the things that it is making the kids do to themselves because of it. Know body should be harmed when there at a posative learning inviornment

  27. I agree that bullying needs to stop!

  28. i think bullying should stop because i have lost many close ones because of it

  29. This is a good article because u are standing up for people that has been bullyed before

  30. This a good article but i don't like when people think about suicide anybody gets bullied based on how they are or how they dress.

  31. Bullying Needs To Stop It's all kid stuff

  32. Bullying is a really serious problem going around school's.This is a good article to show people do get bullied and you can make a stand.

  33. good article

  34. this was a really good article and i had a lot of connections with this

