Football Schedule

Football Schedule
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How To Keep From Freezing

By: Alejandro Cortes

Have you ever been caught in a hall freeze? If so, then you know that you feel terrible and embarrassed. A hall freeze is when every tardy student who isn’t in a classroom gets a consequence for not being there.
These consequences include a 30-minute detention, a 2-hour detention, and even Saturday School. Hall freezes can happen unexpectedly.  So here are a few tips on how to not get caught in one.

1.    Don’t Waste Time- Do not waste time talking to others! Walk and talk, do not stop to do it.

2.    Teacher dismisses not the bell- Be quiet and stay seated at the end of class so you can get dismissed earlier.

3.    Do not push people- Stay calm and walk at a brisk speed.

4.    Passes- Always get a pass from a Staff Member when traveling in the hall.

5.    Don’t think you will make it? - If you believe you will not make it to class on time, ask the teacher you were with if he/she could either give you a pass or if he/she could walk you to your next class.

For the students that don’t desire to get caught in a hall freeze, these tips are for you. Make sure that you don’t run in the hallways or you will get in trouble for it. Also know that hall freezes can happen at any time. Sometimes they will announce when they will be having them so watch out for those announcements and stay warm.


  1. Thanks for the tips Alejandro

  2. Alejandro, this is a very well-written article. It is also full of useful and helpful advice for fellow students. I hope everyone who reads this will listen to your practical advice. Being punctual is a lifelong skill and part of being a responsible person. Thanks for educating the students of Northwest!

  3. I think you gave very good tips!! Thanks

  4. I have never been caught a hall freeze and i don't want to. I have almost but i stopped playing in the hallways.

  5. I disagree with you because I have not been caught in a hall freeze but I've had more than a lot of tardys. I dont even communicate with anyone in the halls at all, but there be a lot of kids by passing one another and that's what rushes the passing period time, and I always be late.

  6. i think these are good idea on what will happen if you get caught in a hall freeze. Also i liked the ways you can pervent from getting a tardy

  7. hall freeze should stop cause some kids have to use the restroom and if their in a hall freeze they cant use the rest room

  8. I agree with you Alejandro, your tips are good and i think it will help others with there tardiness!

  9. we need a longer passing period
