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Friday, May 1, 2015

Test Tips 4 The Future

By: Damaris Mireles

Tests are coming back and you feel like you don’t have a plan. Though no one wants to spend any time on studying, there are some easy ways to break the information down into understandable chunks.  Below is a list of studying tips that will not only help you in getting a good score on tests but it might also help you understand what is being taught in class.

Know the 5 W’s And 1 H of Studying
What: Know what your studying for. Is it a test, quiz, summary or review.
Who: Decide if you want to study on your own or, if possible in a study group.
When: Studying in anticipation instead of waiting until the last minute. Study groups work best after school.
Where: Studying is best done in quiet places to help enable concentration.
Why: Studying is important, not only so that you pass a test but also to understand the topic in the future. Studying also helps the 2`ability to learn giving students knowledge that can be used no matter what path or career a student choses.
How: Using studying tips like the ones listed in this article.

Studying In Class:
Though it might seem impossible to study during class it’s as simple as paying attention. Here are some examples,
1.    Take notes: You might think that taking notes is simple and boring but notes help a lot with getting quick information. Taking notes does not just mean writing what the teacher asks. You should try to draw a connection and put it in your own words.
a.    Take notes on what the teacher is showing you.
b.    Take notes on what the teacher is saying. Taking notes on what the teacher says will help you gain a visual reminder of the lesson.
2.    Free Time, Study Time: If you finish an assignment early that is the perfect time to get some studying in. Though no one wants to spend their extra time studying that would other wise be spent playing, it’s always better to focus on the more important things.
In conclusion by knowing the 5Ws and 1H of studying and knowing how to study in class it will be a way to get your easy A. Also showing how it’s important to study not just for our school life but to help us in real life. these tips will make studying and understanding the subject

1 comment:

  1. Take notes on what the teacher is saying. Taking notes on what the teacher says will help you gain a visual reminder of the lesson. Nifty Futures
