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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How To Improve School Lunch

By: Elliott London
Image result for school lunch
Are you tired of salad, chicken nuggets, and pizza getting served over and over again at lunch? Let's read more to find out how we can improve school lunches.

Some kids eat as many as ⅔’s of their meals at school. Evidence has been suggested there is a direct link between sodium, sugar, obesity, diabetes, and a whole slew of diseases. ‘Farm To School’ is an organization that creates quality, healthy food in school lunches. School nutrition professionals have embraced the Farm To School program as an effective way to source more farm fresh local produce.  They want kids to try these choices by teaching them about the healthy foods grown in their communities.

Congress and School administrators must face the fact that students will not necessarily make the food choices that are best for their health. Children will choose a salad over a juicy cheeseburger about as often as they will choose educational tv over MTV. It is hard to argue with any of these good food initiatives, but there’s a strong connection to how much school meals can contribute to increasing the consumption of nutritious foods and reducing the national problem with childhood obesity. Inequities in food availability and affordability operate along both racial and income lines, with low income communities of color facing a double disadvantage.

The solution is not as simple as more supermarkets close, transportation is limited, prices rise, and other barriers arise regularly. Communities across America are coming up with innovate ways to meet these challenges locally, as profiled in our 2016 report fixing food: Fresh solutions from five U.S. Cities childhood obesity, a problem with serious, lifelong potential health consequences, continues to grow at a faster pace for African American and Latino children. African- Americans, Latinos, and low income Americans disproportionately lack access to healthy food- and as a result, they are more likely to suffer from diet-related chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease than the average American.

You should join with me and improve school lunches. It would be better for us, and the kids in the future. Let’s help the kids in our nation. We can prevent childhood obesity, Diabetes, and a lot of other diseases. So who’s with me?

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